What should i do if my scalp is sensitive to relaxers?

Don’t shampoo, scratch, comb hair, nor wear a hat 3 days before application of relaxer. Always base scalp Try a relaxer for sensitive skin.

Are color and relaxer ok to wear together?

For soft fine hair probably not good but each persons hair is different so it would be advised that you consult with one of our very helpful stylist.

What is considered a virgin application for color and relaxer?

If it has been 6 months since your last touch up on the roots or 4 inches or more of new growth.

If i am wearing a brazilian blow out can i still wear relaxer?

You are supposed to be able to.

How long do permanent, semi or demi permanent, and cellophane last in your hair?

All of them last 4 to 6 weeks

What is the difference between the three?

Permanent is used mostly for lighter colors or resistant greys. Semi and demi permanent are used to cover when there aren’t that many greys, when doing relaxer on the same day, and going back to natural color.

If I’m wearing a short tapered cut how often do I need relaxer or color?

Depending on the texture of your hair every 2 to 4 weeks

What is the difference between tracks and a full weave?

When you wear tracks, one cornrow at a time is braided, and with a full weave you get smaller braids in a pattern which lays better if you want the majority of your hair to be braided up.

What is a good product for curly hair?

WAVE NUVEAU MOISTURIZING FINISHING LOTION. If your hair is thicker, use the concentrated version of the lotion, without diluting it with water. If your hair is finer, dilute the lotion with water.

How long should i wear 1-5 tracks?


How long should i wear my weave or sew-in?

No longer than 3 – 3 1/2 months. You must get a tightening service between the 6-8 week mark.

What is good quality hair?

Virgin Brazilian and Indian hair are both great unprocessed as they can be colored and won’t tangle. A website that I found that is doing something similar to me is haircandysalon.com. They had a lot of helpful information.