3 Common Summer Hair Struggles

Wouldn’t it be great if gorgeous summer hair was as easy as our favorite magazines and celebrities make it look? Unfortunately, not all of us wake up with flawless, rich and healthy beach waves. Here are some of the more common hair problems you are likely to encounter this season and ways to keep your…

The Best Hairstyle Tips for Every Face Shape

Studies show that most women change hairstyles pretty often. Almost one-third of women get a new hairdo following a break-up or divorce while 44% change their hair simply because they are bored. Ultimately, women have an average of 104 different hairstyles during their lifetime. But change isn’t always for the better. Some people rock certain…

School is in Session: Hair Extensions 101

The average woman has about 104 different hairstyles throughout her lifetime. About 60% of hairstyle changes are an attempt to achieve a new look, and 40% of the time, they’re made simply out of boredom. Many times, our hairstyle update is inspired by emotional turmoil; one-third of women change their hair after ending a relationship.…